Mauritius Birth Defects Registry (MBDR)

Background Information

The 63rd World Health Assembly in May 2010 adopted a resolution on congenital anomalies, to encourage countries (especially low-and-middle income countries) to build in-country capacity related to the development of surveillance systems and the prevention of congenital anomalies, and to raise awareness about their impact. The resolution calls on Member States to prevent congenital anomalies wherever possible, implement screening programmes, and provide ongoing support and care to children with congenital anomalies and their families. WHO is responsible to support Member States in implementing these services and to strengthen data collection and research on birth defects. According to WHO, an estimated 303,000 deaths globally were attributable to congenital anomalies during the neonatal period in 2015, with neural tube defects being one of the most serious and most common of these congenital anomalies. The WHO estimated that in Mauritius, 29% of the cause of death among children below 5 years of age in 2013 was due to congenital abnormalities.


The general objective of the Mauritius Birth Defects Registry (MBDR) is to carry out active registration of all births with defects that occur from mothers residing in the Republic of Mauritius. Its  primary purpose is to provide a means for accurate and up-to-date tracking of congenital abnormalities in order to determine access to the needed health care and other services necessary to treat and manage the conditions. The data can also be utilized for policy decision with regard to birth defects prevention and control programmes.

Presentation of Year 2018 Report

Date:  6th January 2021

Venue:  Lecture Room 1 Mauritius Institute of Health

Time: 1.30 pm

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