We are pleased to announce that our CPD sessions started on 03 April 2024. Registration can be done online to book seats.
A registration fee of Rs 300 per afternoon is payable one week in advance. Payments can be paid either by bank transfer/cash deposit/cheque or by cash transfer/cash deposit/cheque or by cash at the Institute.
Registration fee is not refundable if a participant does not attend CPD session.
Instruction for payment by bank: Please insist on putting your name as reference and notify us by email for sessions for which you
have paid. (email: mihealth@intnet.mu)
Bank details:
Bank : State Bank of Mauritius ( S B M) SSRN Hospital Branch
Account number : 620 301 001 801 09
CPD Calendar
Date | Topic | Speaker | Time |
Venue : Lecture Room 1, MIH
Credit points : 1 for each session of 1 hour
Registration fee : Rs 300 irrespective of number of lectures per afternoon
Note : The lectures are intended for both private and public sector.
Sessions may be postponed due to unavailability of resource person. MIH reserves the right to cancel sessions if the number of registered participants is less than 15. Registration fees will be refunded or may be carried forward for future sessions.